Off to Stockholm

Hi peoples,

I know a lot of you have written to me over the last month or so and its unlike me not to reply within 72 hours ha ha! I am working a 60-66 hour week at the moment between my physio Monday-Friday job and my rugby league job, 6 days a week. so I’ve been flat strap. Not to mention I can’t say no (nothing’s changed) so I also squeeze a social and travel life in between those hours.

Speaking of which I’m off to Stockholm today with a friend. Thought why not check it out?! It’s been great weather in London 30-35 degrees C so I haven’t complained once. The English refuse to move their arses more than they have to cos it’s so hot, but it’s ironic cos in winter, they refuse to move their arses more than they have to cos it’s too cold!! And it amuses me to no end the number of BEAT THE HEAT messages they send out and give out free water at the Tubes.

Anyway, I’m moving into this giant five-bed house soon with Lib and a few others in Fulham. On the river with big garden and massive lounge/kitchen. We move in late August when we get back from Turkey and Croatia.

Anyway hope you’re all well. I’m barely surviving my ridiculous lifestyle but once rugby season finishes, 2nd week September, I will be a normal woman again. Oh and I’ve had two big job offers to extend my visa past April next year with top private practices, to start towards the end of this year I think so will keep updated about that. Would love to make it home later this year to see everyone before another stint in the UK. Libbi’s visa was approved too (obviously).

Take care and I will write individually to all you lovelies soon 🙂

Love Nat x



