Ibiza next

Hi guys,

Sorry I just sent that London e-mail to you instead of the London crowd! Hope you also had a good weekend. I had my bday party which was a large and eventful day. It was a lunch that became an evening event! Lots of fun. Will forward on the photos when I get organised.

I’m currently working part time which is good and bad. It’s not entirely through choice. The physio market is dry right now. Two of my physio friends are working as medical receptionists. I’ve just signed a contract with a professional rugby league team called the Skolars. They are great bunch of guys–actually mostly Aussies/ Kiwis/ Saffas and a few random Poms! So that takes up a lot of my time–they train 3x a week and have a game each Sunday.

I’m working two days a week for my old job in Chelmsford, Essex which is a hike and a half to get to each day (the things we do in London to get by)… I commute up to 2.5 hours one way! And then I sat two interviews last week and looks like I got one job which is just one day a week for good money. So all up, I’m hoping my income will amount to a small full-time wage, certainly not what I was used to. So I’m sharing my room for May and June with Mel, a friend from the Goldie. I have a habit of throwing my arm and leg over her in the night time!! Hee hee. Wonder how long she’ll last?!

So I’m also looking for one-off jobs I can do as I don’t work Monday, Wednesday and Thursday!! Coming into summer I’m hoping there’ll be catering services I can work for, i.e. functions. I’m also working from home with my physio/ acupuncture which helps.

Anyway, my next trip is Ibiza with a few girlfriends at the end of May (another long weekend for us here). Keep me in touch with the goings-on in Brissie.

We’ve had three whole days of 25 degrees–you should see how excited British businessmen get here on a hot day–they take their business shirts off in the park and just wear the bottom half of their suit–it’s not the sexiest look but we all appreciate the beauty of the sun after living in this country and its a good thing 🙂

Speak soon and thanks for all my bday wishes.

Nat x